Hattie Carthan Women Security Conference
Here is a list of organizations that we Like who have been working to create justice in communities, especially for women and girls..Please Click on Links below to Learn more about the groups that are doing work to empower women in various aspects of leadership in their communities. This list will be updated periodically, so please check back often. Please feel to use this as a resource list.
Please stay tuned for our upcoming feminine empowerment leadership programs growing in the garden and market- Our two model initiatives that we are currently embarking on are "Girls Working outside and Growing Inside" which will deliver advocacy, community organizing and green job trainings for Bed Stuy girls. aged 14-21 years old. and the "to run and not be weary" program will advance alternative nature-based approaches to advocating for change in high stress situations where oppression has taken strong hold .
Fierce- http://www.fiercenyc.org Fierce is a POC LGBTTSQ youth lead organizing project in New York City.
Young Women's Action Team- http://www.youngwomensactionteam.org Chicago Based Girls lead social justice campaign to end street harrassment
Females United For Action http://www.myspace.com/femalesunitedforaction Chicago Based Girls lead group that is concerned about media representations of women National Youth Advocacy Coalition
http://www.nyacyouth.org This is a national activist organization for LGBT youth and their allies.
This is an amazing school that helps young activists gain organizing and mobilization skills Prison Moratorium Project http://www.nomoreprisons.org Located in Brooklyn, these folks work to end the building of youth detention centers and prisons
Sista to Sista http://www.sistaiisista.org This is a proactive space in New York City where young women of color can tap into their collective power to fight injustice Center for Young Women's Development-
http://www.cywd.org Based in California, this is a project run by and for young girls and women!!
Sista's On the Rise http://www.sistasontherise.org Sistas on the Rise is a space for young women of color ages 13-21, to take ownership and power over their lives and create a healthy community.
Audre Lourde Project http://www.alp.org This is a radical queer people of color social justice organizing project in Brooklyn, NY. They have a youth organizing project too! Plus they do work around the sex trade and transgender issues. Check them out.
Amazing Feminst Women of Color Organizations: Sister Song- http://www.sistersong.net Sister song is a radical project working on reproductive justice issues for women of color
Incite! http://www.incite-national.org This is an grassroots projects that unites women of color to end violence against women Women of Color Resource Center http://www.coloredgirls.org/
This organization works to improve the lives of women and girls of color in the U.S. Center for Women Population and the Environment http://www.cwpe.org Check out this site if you are looking to organize for reproductive justice issues for women and girls of color.